
The time has come. I’ve been writing here on “To Write These Words Down…” for over a decade. That’s a very long time to call a particular corner of the internet home. Each year, I tend to greet the New Year by renovating the blog’s appearance — changing the headers and colors and images until it feels fresh and new. It’s like rearranging the furniture, but in my virtual home.

I’d been considering other virtual spaces for years now, but with my first professional sale and my committment to “REACH” for opportunity and new skills/experiences in 2022, it felt like the right time to make the change.

I’ve bought a new living space online. It’s bigger and sturdier and with a much better floorplan. All right, enough of that metaphor, the point is, I have a new ACTUAL website!

You can find me at!

Kermit Flail GIFs | Tenor

What does this mean for this site?

Well, I won’t be posting or updating here anymore. It won’t be deleted. The blog will be here, always, but it will serve as a guidepost of where to find me from now on. In time Google algorithms will catch up and the search engines will put the new site at the top of the results page. Slowly but surely, this site will fade. It’s sad, but still so exciting to have my own domain name and a place to really call my home.

I’ll be leaving up the blog posts, the What I’m Reading lists, and the About page. The podcast page and the publications page will be deleted.

The new site is prettier, much more customizable, but most importantly, is still my home. It has a blog where I’ll be writing the same sorts of content and being my usual, weird, opinonated self.

In addition to my socials (twitter and Facebook), you’ll find an option to subscribe to a monthly(ish) newsletter on the new site. I hope you will so we can keep in touch. If not, well, thanks for reading along all these years. It’s been an honor and a joy to call “To Write These Words Down…” home.

Here’s to the next chapter in this writing life and I’ll see you all in 2022!

For the last time in this little corner of the internet:

So long Bloggos!


Brain is full.

It’s mostly writerly stuff, which is a nice change of pace. I’m scheduling writing time in my planner. I’m listening to writing podcasts on my evening walks with the doggo. The wheels are churning enough that I feel destracted from the day-to-day with all kinds of writerly excitement. So I’m just gonna dump it all out in a series of bullet points so I can *hopefully* move on and focus. Because this is my brain right now:

Overstimulation on Make a GIF

To the list!

  • I applied for Clarion West!
    • I know that the odds are NOT in my favor (the applicant pool is huge, international, and they only select 18 writers each year), but I’ve talked myself out of applying for like three years now, so applying at all seems like a win.
  • I joined/founded a SFF Critique group through Willamette Writers!
    • We met (virtually) for the first time last night. we’re mostly strangers and we’re writing all kinds of different stories, but I’m super excited to get to know them and their work, and to see what good this group can bring to each of us.
  • I found new podcasts to listen to!
    • I’ve been walking the dog each evening when I get home from work, and am now all caught up on Deadline City. I needed more writing podcasts and found EIGHT of them! I’m pumped to start listening tonight.
  • I’m beginning the 2022 Planning Process
    • I’ve drafted my New Year’s (New Look?) post and have started to schedule out the first few months of 2022, including backwards planning for all kinds of writing goals. It’s seeming increasingly likely that my whiteboard and monthly and/or weekly goals will make a return in 2022!
  • My podcast is getting its [ish] together!
    • It’s been a struggle to get all four of us scheduled to record. Four is a lot of hosts and brings all sorts of interesting issues to recording and editing the show. But we love it, so the show will go on! Just with much better scheduling.
  • I have two writing craft books queued up to read this month!
    • Never Say You Can’t Survive: How to Get Through Hard Times by Making Up Stories by Charlie Jane Anders and A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: in Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life by George Saunders. Two very different books that I am somehow equally excited to read.
  • I’m only slightly behind on my reading goal for this year!
    • I’m very confident that I will catch up and maybe even surpass my goal! I have two weeks off at the end of the year (one of the perks of working in public education) and I am looking forward to using that downtime to read and write. Historically, I read more than five books in December, so it shouldn’t be an issue.
  • I’m considering a site revamp!
    • This is all I’m going to say about it. The thought is nebulous and new, and could go a million different ways. Best to keep this one close to the chest for now.

I feel like there was more, but it’s all dribbled out of my ears. This worked. I started this post buzzing with all the things, and now they’re out and I’m feeling much calmer. This is part of living with ADHD. It’s this sort of frantic, obsessive thinking that leads me to compulsive list making. Which leads to sticky notes and scraps of paper everywhere. Which leads to a very frustrated spouse wondering why I have eighteen versions of the same list scattered around the house.

Oh, it’s nothing, Honey, I’m just so excited I literally can’t hold it in my brain anymore. It’s fine. No, don’t look at my desk, it’ll just stress you out. What do you think? Pizza for dinner? Pizza sounds gooooood.

Damn it. Now I want pizza…


Podcast Update!

After an unexpected hiatus (I’ll be honest, scheduling recording times and editing was too much for my limited bandwidth this fall), the show is back babeyyyyyy!

We’re back, we’re vaxxed, and we’re coming to you from a single, very creaky dining room table. Huzzah!

Also, a friendly reminder: this show is NOT family friendly. So if you have lingering family members this holiday weekend, blare this and send them packing.

The Library Pros™ are happy to help.

It’s been a hot minute but the Library Pros™ are back in action! Travel back in time with us, all the way to August! We talk about The Baconssaince and Matt’s Golden Age, we have a very serious Kantaro Convo, we reminisce about Hot Sauce Homework, and Brittany REALLY loves ramen. Oh, yeah! And we talk about books. And booze. You know, the usual.

Podcast Update!

The Library Pros are back on schedule with a new episode out today!

As usual, things get pretty buckwild, but it’s even better than usual because we recorded live, in-person! So buckle up and give it a listen!

Thanks for listening, we hope you enjoy the show!



The Library Pros are reunited, drunk and in-person! Get ready for a buckwild episode in which Brittany and Matt make a bet, we doubt Heather’s definition of “cautious”, Laurel recounts several occasions in which she almost died, and Brittany recommends you stop listening to our podcast. Twice. We discuss several riveting topics, such as The 5 People You F*ck in Heaven, The Jeff Bezos Network, The Half-Price Books Scam, and we suggest you spend a little money on Amazon. But don’t worry, it’s not like Dildo Rocket Ship Money. Also, there’s no peen in this one. You’re welcome.

It’s Monday.

I haven’t started my week with a blog post in a very very long time. I don’t have a ton to say today. There weren’t any writing activities over the weekend since we were at the coast partying it up with a good friend for her Bachelorette Party.

I have received some feedback on Abbie from my Elite Reading Group™. Nothing concrete that I can make edits from, but some general “It’s really good!” and “I liked it a lot” and even an “It’s so different from your other stories!”. And while that’s all fine and good, I need to give them all a little nudge to give me something a touch more substantial.

Now is about the time where I worry about where the heck I’m gonna submit this story. It’s quiet. So so quiet. The fantasy element is very thin, just a sprinkling of spice. I know at the start of the pandemic there was talk of a magazine being put together that would focus on these sort of stories… but I don’t know if that every truly came to be. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long submission process.


In other news, the newest episode of the podcast is OUT NOW! Give it a listen, and prepare yourself for another episode this Friday! We’ve been busy little library worker bees and have lots of good books to share with you!

Other than podcast editing, I’m going to start back on Tavi this week and see if I can get this very big ball rolling. I’ve got ~3 months to get it DONE. And I mean, done done. Like… start sending it to agents done.

I think I need to do some deep breathing exercises…

Anyway, that’s where I’m at. That’s what’s on the plate for this week, revisions of all kinds. I’ll pop in every now and again, either to tell you about all the progress I’m making, or to avoid all the progress I’m NOT making. You know how it goes.

Until then,


State of the Author

Good morning, Blogland.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing since I last posted. Like, a lot a lot. So I figured I should jot it all down and give you all an update as well.

Current Projects:

  • Bell Biv Derailed
  • In the Librarian’s Garden
  • Sanura Trine
  • Twins and the Haunted House
  • The Shadowboxer
  • Tavi
  • Top Shelf Librarians Podcast

(Please note that these are all working titles and no I am not taking criticism at this time)

Bell Biv Derailed: I finished the rough draft of this story on Wednesday. I first got the idea in 2018 when we visited Munich and rode the metro every day. I finally sat down to write it in March of this year. That was one writing session. Then one while I was in Seattle, and then Wednesday. A total of three writing sessions and almost 2k words. The story is not remotely anything like the original idea, but I really like how it turned out, even though it’s super weird. The bones are quite good, I just need to dip into the horror a bit more and work on tension control. It’s a horror/comedy which is always tough to write AND intended to be Flash Fiction (<1,500 words), so we’ll see how it turns out. For now, I’m letting it marinate while I work on some other revisions.Bel Biv Devoe GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

In the Librarian’s Garden: I’ll be revising the second draft today. I spent most of yesterday afternoon revising the rough draft and feeling pleasantly surprised. This is a story I started at the beginning of the pandemic, when we were first really locked down. I put it on pause to focus on Tavi, and when that went south, I came back to it in September. BUT, that’s when my school district caught on fire and one of the major plot points of this story is that a school burns down soooooo that felt bad and I put the story in a mental drawer. Then November came around and I decided that, instead of writing a novel for Nanowrimo, I’d write short stories. I had enough of them lying around unfinished and I figured I ought to do something about that. So I finished the rough draft of this piece (and others). When I read it in January I hated it (and the others too) but looking back at January I kinda hated everything so I’m glad I didn’t pitch it in the bin. It’s actually a lovely, quiet little cottage-core piece of fantasy fiction that gives me warm fuzzy feelings when I read it. Dunno where the hell I can possibly submit it, but that’s a concern for when revisions are done. Today’s goals are tightening things up (it’s a bit meander-y) and upping the emotions in order to earn the ending. Creating an easy-care cottage garden - Anthony Tesselaar Plants

Sanura Trine: This is another story I wrote during Nanowrimo. And honestly…? I don’t really remember much about it. I mean, I remember what happens in it, but I don’t really remember the writing. I remember being frustrated by it and feeling like I was treading water when I wrote it. I felt lost and disconnected from the piece and really struggled with it. I don’t know if it’s good. I do know it’s entirely too long (like 7k words or something ridiculous like that). So, I’ll take a look at it see what needs to happen. I remember liking the intro which was very sarcastic and anti-corporation but that tone vanished once the characters started interacting, sooo… We’ll see where it ends up. This story is not a super high priority for me at the moment and will probably sit for awhile, tired, desert, astronaut, robin schulz, breathing, david guetta,  cheat codes, shed a light, barren Gif For Fun – Businesses in USA

Twins and the Haunted House: Another of the Nanowrimo projects. This thing is a beast. Another horror story (obvs), this one plays with overlapping First Person POVs and unreliable narrators. An unreliable narrator is something I’ve ALWAYS wanted to write, but it’s so damn hard! Especially because I’m more of a discovery type writer. I have to write the rough draft to figure out what the hell is going on, which makes writing a big fat liar on the first go-around pretty much impossible. I only have about 2k-ish left to go (I’m very close to the end) but it’s still HUGE at over 8k words as is. I don’t have plans to return to this right now. It’s a horror piece set in the dead of winter — middle of summer is not a good time mentally for me to sit down to this one. Consider it on pause until Christmas break probably. Since it’s seeming like it might reach novelette or novella territory instead of short story, I’m not exactly eager to get back to it, haha. More words = more revision.

spooky house gifs | WiffleGif

The Shadowboxer: This is another weirdo story. I’m beginning to wonder if I have any other kind? It’s a story that asks what evil is, how does it manifest? It’s a story about women, victimhood, and taking their power back. It’s also non-linear, features a POV from a floating cloud of sentient evil mist a la Lost, and a HUGE gap in time. Again. As a discovery writer, this is VERY HARD. There are three POVs one distant past, one near past, and one present and they all will intertwine to tell the story. In theory. That’s the goal. I put it aside last summer because I was struggling so much. I think this is a story that requires me to level up a bit. I also think that with this many POVs, it probably isn’t a short story and I’m kidding myself by approaching it as such. But, I’ll worry about that when the draft is done. Which won’t be for awhile. I would put this farthest down the priority list. It’s the hardest, I have the least words written for it, and I want to read more non-linear narratives before digging back into it. Consider it paused.Smoke monster GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER

Tavi: Man. This book. I love it and it really is quite good, even in its second draft. But revising it is just SUCH a big job. I honestly think that’s what all the above is really about. I’m procrastinating the big scary project. Which, as far as procrastination techniques go, writing more fiction is the BEST ONE EVER! But, this book is the best thing I’ve written. I truly believe that. This is a book that I could query with, that could push my writing life into the next stage. And I think that has me running scared. So… we all know what I gotta do. I need to sit down, reacquaint myself, and get back in the trenches. My original goal was to have Tavi query ready by October 1st. I think that timeline is a little tight now. But, I think if I get started on it by August 1st, I can have it JUST about ready by November 1st. Take November off to draft a new project for Nanowrimo, then finish any remaining edits by January 1st. I’m spitballing here — I don’t really know how long it will take me. It turns out, I’m really bad at revising novels. My last novel revision attempt turned into scrapping the whole thing and rewriting it as a novella series. But that won’t happen with Tavi. She’s too complete, too strong of a character. This book feels very real, and not too far off from something I might pick off a shelf. I just need to make it the best I can and stop being such a chickenshit about it. This is my top priority after I finish revising In the Librarian’s Garden.The Crow GIFs | Tenor

Top Shelf Librarians Podcast: Yep, we’re still making the show. We are actually recording tonight so expect the June episode sometime next week. Sorry it’s late, but I’ll get into why in the episode so stay tuned!

Top Shelf Logo

Stories Currently on Submission

  • Lifelike
  • A Lullaby for Mattie Barker
  • The Lament of Kivu Lacus

Lifelike: My oldest story. I got the idea for it when I was still at community college taking creative writing classes. So… pre-2012. But I finished it in like 2017 or 2018. It’s a flash fiction piece about a haunted painter. It gets to the final round of consideration frequently, but no takers so far. I’m beginning to lose confidence in the story, mainly because I’ve been subbing it for so long and it doesn’t really reflect the quality of my work any more. I have leveled up well past it. I guess I could rework it, bring it “up to date”, but I don’t have any inclination or motivation to do so. I’ll keep sending it out and it’ll either eventually stick or eventually find its way to the Yuck Trunk folder. *Shrug*Haunted Painting GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

A Lullaby for Mattie Barker: A much more recent piece that I finished in summer of 2019. It went through some extensive revisions in December and I submitted it to a local writing contest. It was a finalist, but did not place. So now it’s out, looking for a home. It’s another hard one to place. It’s a ghost story, but not horror. It’s historical fiction set after WWII, but also features an LGBTQIA+ main character. It’s quiet, not a lot of action. But it’s poignant and lovely and good. I just don’t know who wants lovely, quiet, heartbreaking ghost stories about queer characters.Eight Coos County Cemeteries - Pacific Northwest Adventures

The Lament of Kivu Lacus: This is the best short story I’ve written so far. It is a 2nd Person narration about marital issues, isolation, terminal illness and grief. I love this story so so much. It makes it to the final round of consideration consistently, so I just need to find it the right home. Again, another hard piece to place. The Science Fiction element is subtle, more setting than science, and 2nd Person is not a popular POV choice. But it’s my favorite bit of writing I’ve done. I love it very very much.Humpback Whale Swimming GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Recent Publications

  • That Which Illuminates Heaven
  • Unforgettable
  • The Cost of Rain

That Which Illuminates Heaven: A story about a sentient space ship that plays matchmaker for her Pilot and Chief Engineer.

Unforgettable: A feminist retelling of Samson and Delilah in fewer than 300 words.

The Cost of Rain: An old woman and her horse traipse across a desert to make a deal with the devil.

Upcoming Projects

  • Hunting Dr. Squatch

Hunting Dr. Squatch: Look. The title is dumb and makes me laugh and probably doesn’t even have anything to do with the story. It’s my Nanowrimo project, an all new novel, and it’s a Pioneer Oregon Weird Western. All I know is that there are monsters, a badass frontier lady, and a gay guy. I just got a mountain of books from the public library to start research this summer, so if my goodreads starts to look a little funky, that’s why. It’s still pretty nebulous up there, but I have my main characters starting to make some noise and clamoring for my attention, so I think I’ll be ready to start by November. Which means I REALLY need to get to work on Tavi.Growing Up Lol GIF by What We Do in the Shadows - Find &amp; Share on GIPHY | What  we do in the shadows, Shadow costume, Shadow

So, yeah. That’s where I’m at. That’s what I’ll be working on and thinking about pretty much through the end of the year. I’ve also scoped out a potential writing conference to go to in October, specifically about women writing women in the west? Seems pertinent given my Nanowrimo project. We’ll see.

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed hunting down gifs and images for each project. Now then, I’ve wasted enough time. I need to do some revision and then hopefully get the office cleaned up before we record tonight.

See ya around, Bloggarts!


Update (Wee-Hours Edition)

For those of you who don’t know, migraines suck butts. It’s been a while since I’ve had one be this disruptive. At the moment I’m relatively pain-free thanks to a cocktail of meds, but the brain fog, temperature regulation issues, and the inability to fall (back) asleep still remain. Hence this 4am writing sesh.

I’m restless. Hot and cold in turns and ever-so-slightly nauseous. My brain can’t stop thinking about anything and everything, and I know only one cure for that: writing.

But what to write about? I haven’t really been doing any creative writing lately. That part of my brain just hasn’t functioned quite right since the pandemic hit. I wrote a bunch of stuff in November, but on closer inspection I hate it all. Not sure if that’s an accurate reflection of the work or of my mental state. Probably a solid mix of the two.  Last month I started work on a flash fiction piece that’s been hiding out in my brain since 2018. I like it so far, but haven’t been back to write the ending. I also started writing some more fanfic here and there, but again, nothing seems to stick. 

The will is there, which would suggest there’s a way, and yet… I can’t seem to find it.

I’m hoping all the good things happening in my day-to-day life will fill up the writing reservoir in time for the Fall. What good things you ask? Well, I’ve been on four hikes already this season! Oregon spring is a great time to get back outdoors, even if the weather is unpredictable af. Two coastal hikes and two forest hikes have left me feeling more inspired than I have in a long time. Nature is always soothing and restorative for me. I don’t know how I lived so long without these hikes.

I also (FINALLY!!!) got a new car! After years of research we bought a 2021 Subaru Crosstrek Sport. His name is Pluto and he is like a child to me. I am obsessed, and because I didn’t want to flood my friends’ newsfeeds with my car obsession, I created an Instagram account… for the car. Yes, I have become that person. If you would like to follow that particular journey, follow @pluto.trek on Instagram. It’s mostly car pics, mods, and outdoors adventures.

The podcast continues, and gets more listens each month. That doesn’t seem real or right, but hey, man — you do you. I kid, but it is very surreal that monthly recordings of me and my friends shooting the literary shit is something other human beings want to spend their time listening to. And it isn’t just people we know! There are strangers! WHAT?! Wild, I tell you. 

I’m fully vaccinated! And Trevor gets his second dose this week! That’s such a huge relief – a step in the right direction on this trudge back to “normal”. Now if only we could get all the mouth-breathers to get it too. But that’s a rant for a different post. 

Thanks to that vaccination status, my summer is booking up fast. We’re going on a road trip in the new car in June. We’re visiting my aunts in Boise — we’ve never been and they seem to absolutely love it! My aunts are also hikers so I’m excited to hike some high desert, visit new breweries and wineries, and spend time with my awesome relatives. 

After that (literally four days later) I’m getting swooped up by my father and the fam-bam on a road trip to visit my uncle in Seattle. It’s a two week trip with plans for 4th of July, crabbing, and whale watching. I cannot imagine a better vacation for me after this past year. Seattle is my favorite place in the world – I would live there in a heartbeat if I could only afford it. I visited the city for the first time when I was seven, and on the flight home I told my dad I would live there someday. I still think that’s true, but if not, at least I still landed in the PNW.

Work is going well. I never like to get into too much detail about the job, but kids are (mostly) back and despite my personal reservations, I have to admit it is much much better having them there. I think I’d started to lose sight of my job a little bit. It’s so nice to feel useful again.

So, yeah. That’s a little glimpse into what’s been going on. As ever, I’m sorry for the inactivity here. But, this is primarily a writing blog. I haven’t been writing. It’s hard to blog about something that just isn’t happening for me right now. If you keep a close eye, I am updating the reading page though! I’m still here, lurking on my own site. As soon as I have anything worth while to mention, I will. Pinky promise.

Until next time, Bloggarts.


Goals Summary 2021 – Wk #10

Uhhhhhh… Whoops?

Look, we’ve been down this particular road a lot lately. Life’s crazy. We’re mid-pandemic, school is slowly making a return, and my writing life is in constant need of resuscitation. I’m happier than I’ve been in a while, which is good. I’m thinking about writing more than I have in a long time, which is also good. I’m reading a TON, which is really good.

I’m not gonna make any promises, because we all know how that’s gonna go. But, I’m here tonight. I can say hello and let you know I’m still around, at least some of the time.

I didn’t revise Abbie. I didn’t prep Tavi. I wrote a little bit in January, and wrote even less in February. I still have four short stories out on submission. It’s March 8th and I’ve finished reading/listening to three books! I’m catching up on house chores and dreaming of hiking. It feels like sticking my head out from the cave I’ve spent all winter in and wondering if it’s safe to come out yet.

The jury’s still undecided.

The podcast continues. We launched our second episode on Friday so if you haven’t had a listen, now’s your chance.Top Shelf Logo

And yeah. That’s that. I’m working, reading, considering writing, and dreaming of hiking. Basically my whole life is a parade of gerund’s — passive as fuck.

Anyway. Good chat. I’ll see ya when I see ya.



The Top Shelf Librarians Podcast


I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I had a super secret project. Well, it’s finally here! Top Shelf Librarians is a monthly podcast where four library professionals talk about all things booze and books. It’s vulgar, it’s funny, and mostly it’s sorta weird. 

If you like books, booze, or just listening to four friends shoot the shit, maybe give it a listen?

If you enjoy it, check out our site and follow us on your preferred listening platform. Or follow @Liboozians on twitter!

I hope you enjoy it!


Goals Summary 2021 – Wk# 3

Hiya Blogland,

The long weekend threw off my groove in a big way. It sucks to have your routine thrown out of wack when you’re just starting to stick to it. But I didn’t let that hold me back!

Last Week

  • Revise Abbie
  • Write 1k words
  • Finish Harrow the Ninth
  • Finish listening to The Changeling
  • Read (at least) two parts from The Kick-Ass Writer

How’d I do?

  • Revise Abbie
    • No.
  • Write 1k words
    • Yes! I’m slowly but surely creeping to the end of this haunted house story.
  • Finish Harrow the Ninth
    • Yep. If you follow me on Goodreads, you know I had a lot of feelings about it too.
  • Finish listening to The Changeling
    • Yes! I knew I liked Victor LaValle from his short fiction, but I was (mostly) presently surprised by this book.
  • Read (at least) two parts from The Kick-Ass Writer
    • Yarp. Easy-peasy.
    • YES! Finally! I read like six chapters, noting small changes and asking questions, but mostly just remembering how much I like this book.

Weekly Word Count: 1,696

On top of these writing and reading related goals, I also did yoga every day and did an hour of cardio every other day (Saturday’s rest day). So, I’d definitely say that this past week was a success and feeling good, if a little tired.

What’s Next?

  • Revise Abbie
  • Write 1k words
  • Read two parts from The Kick-Ass Writer
  • Read The Blade BetweeThe Blade Between: A Novel: Miller, Sam J.: 9780062969828: Books
  • Finish listening to Witchmark
  • Read/Revise Tavi

This looks familiar because it is. I’m a firm believer in not fixing what isn’t broken. I’m doing well so far this month across a multitude of projects, so why change my approach? I need to focus a little more on Abbie this week and get another solid revision in. It can be tightened up a bit more, I’m sure, once I’ve really focused in on the emotional beats. I want to get it done this month, and January is going to be over before we know it.

My reading life is going VERY well right now. But, starting this week I’m doing two different book studies for my work, so personal reading might slow down a notch. AND I have a super-secret, bookish project in the works that will also start sapping some of my free time in the near future. 

And, it’s nearly Valentine’s Day, which means it’s that time of year for my favorite prompt event on Tumblr, #14DaysDALovers. Basically, there’s a different prompt for each of the days leading up to Valentine’s Day and the Dragon Age fanfic community spams fresh content. I wrote a TON for this last year and hope to do so again this year. Which means I need to get crackin’!

Basically, I am wicked busy for the next few weeks, at work and otherwise. But I’m feeling good about it all. Nothing seems daunting. Everything is within my grasp and I’m going to ride that feeling for as long as it’s here. 

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today, methinks. Making steady progress on all sorts of endeavors. Feeling good. I hope you are too!

Talk soon, Bloggarts!