Goals Summary 2020 – wk #22

This week went by pretty quick. Again. For a minute, I felt more normal. I don’t know if that makes sense, but we got out of the house for a couple of hours and I think that helped.

Last Week

  • Tavi revisions
  • Post another HQR video
  • Read 100pgs of The Priory of the Orange Tree
  • Write 800+ words

How’d I do?

  • Tavi revisions
    • Yep. Not a ton, but enough to count it as progress.
  • Post another HQR video
    • … No. This one’s intimidating. I don’t know how to talk about this book. I’ll try again this week.
  • Read 100pgs of The Priory of the Orange Tree
    • Hahaha, no.
  • Write 800+ words
    • No, but I did write a bit and finally finished that fanfic piece I was stuck on. So, hurray!

Weekly Word Count: 440

I’ve been all over the place this week. I seriously considered working out, but didn’t. I played more Dragon Age, which was nice and sufficiently escapist. I revised nine chapters of Tavi, but didn’t really read much and have a bunch of work work to do this week and the world’s on fire and I think I need to take a break. Specifically a social media break. But, this is important. It feels wrong to back away, feels wrong to press pause. But I’m sitting here on the verge of tears after a day of consuming videos and press releases and protesters’ comments.

It’s important. This moment, this movement is IMPORTANT. I am a middle class, CIS White woman. I am pretty damn far removed from the experiences that fuel these protests and still I am exhausted. I am emotionally shredded. And this feeling is a farce compared to what Black people in America face every day.

There’s a march scheduled for this Saturday. I plan to be there.

Besides blog posts, I am avoiding social media today. It’s not even 10am and already that’s proved a lot harder than it should be. This break is going to be good for me.

So, What’s Next?

  • Tavi Revisions
  • HQR video
  • Read something
  • Write 800+ words

You know. Lather, rinse, repeat. The day job is ratcheting up because there’s only two weeks of school left, I imagine that the first two weeks of June will be slow writing/editing-wise.

I just gotta stay afloat for 12 more days and then it’s summer and my time is officially my own.

Until then, Bloggos.





That Time of Year

I love it. Really I do. I love the holidays and the change in the weather and the excuse to be cozy at any given moment. I love fall drinks at Starbucks, and pies, and hot chocolates on weekends shared with the people I care about.

But, I also hate the time all of that demands. It always seems like so much requires my attention during the fall. Work gets busier as the air earns its chill, NaNoWrimo holds me hostage, and then there are the birthdays and holidays that require my attention.

It’s exhausting, and I love it. But, did I mention it’s exhausting?

I have so many things I want to do, and so many of them simply get missed in the shuffle of everything else. And when I’m not actively working on something, odds are I’m asleep. Which, I can’t reasonably blame myself for sleeping, can I? I mean, I suppose I can, but it’s not very realistic. A girl’s gotta sleep sometime.

But, this is mostly just me complaining. I’ll survive. I always do.

How was your holiday weekend? I hope it was everything you wanted and you’re prepared to finish out the year strong!

Talk soon,





Hi Blogland.

This summer has been a very trying one. My husband lost his State job in June, I was passed over for a full-time position at the library yet again, my aunts came to stay with us, and then my best friend was hospitalized this week after a nearly fatal car crash.

She was extremely lucky and suffered no broken bones, but a concussion, seven staples on the left side of her head, a small puncture in her lung, and a large liver laceration found her in the ICU. She’s home now, and resting, but it could have gone the other way so easily. I’ve been pretty shaken up over it all, and I’m still reeling if I give myself too much down time.

But, it’s getting better. I’m just exhausted.

I made a writing friend, and we’re going to exchange chapters to workshop for one another. I’m nervous, but really excited to have someone in my town that I can share writing experiences with. Wish us both luck!

Anyway, I’m exhausted and battling some sciatic nerve pain right now. My plan is to do some laundry, play Dragon Age, and get lots of sleep.

I’ll see you soon with a book review of The Glass Magician because I am flying through it, it’s so good!

Until then Blogland,